JP 生存的12法則第三章心得(JP’s book review “Make Friends with people who want the best for you”)



I think this chapter’s main point is to consider which people we choose to surround ourselves with. In addition, it talks about the fact that we don’t have the obligation to help someone especially if we do not know if their story is true or not.


As an elitist person who occupies the left wing, I used to have too much sympathy towards someone who claims that they have experienced some tragedy; but I never evaluated whether if their story was true or not. Take myself as example. I used to think, as a left winger, that it is a basic principle of being a decent person to have some sympathy for the poor. So, I decided to live with a friend who was receiving low wage as an experiment. Living with him, I came across a few realizations. I think I cannot discriminate against the poor. I learned that he had a miserable family whose father robbed people and he was essentially homeless. However, I still decided to trust this person and sign the contact with him to rent an apartment. But unfortunately, something had happened. He had suddenly lost his job and had completely went into hiding to avoid paying for his portion of the rent and to return all the money that he had borrowed from me.


I remembered that he told me the reason he had no savings was because he used his money to buy candy and cigarettes. I really did not know how to help him. If I could go back to make the decision again, I probably would have been more aware of the fact that he had a track of financial instability and lack of responsibility and thus would have acted accordingly. I should find out why a person is in the situation that they are in but also should keep in mind that they are not always a victim of their situation.


Jordan Peterson has not mentioned that we do not need to help people. Part of his idea is that if we help people without any deeper understanding of their situation, then we may also strip their power to fix their own problem.


We should always seek for friends who actually hope for our development and self-improvement and to also not just spoil us. But what if someone’s opinion is not correct? Peterson’s book does not mention this point.



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