生存的十二法則,第二章心得(JP’s book review, rule one “ Treat yourself well, like someone you are helping”)
文中用陰柔特質來代表混亂,我不確定這是否有貶抑,而用陽剛特質代表著規則。但或許接受了混亂和規則是中立的話,就可以對女性有時候的不可理喻和男性的死板稍回釋懷。 規則讓我們社會更穩定,而混亂則是當我們創新時,可以改變這世界。譬如說,當你適應新環境時,你會遭遇到混亂、學新技能時也會體驗到混亂,我猜當他使用混亂這詞時,代表著變化的意思。
He uses feminine imply chaos, I am not sure if it implies a little bit of negative or not. But he also mentions chaos and rules are neutral, there are rules in our society, which is why our society is stable. There is also chaos in the world, where creativity comes from and where does new life come from. For example, if we were to adapt to a new environment we would encounter chaos, learning new skills also means chaos. I guess when he mentions chaos it is a synonym for change.
對待你自己如同你有責任照顧的人,你必須思考哪些事情是對你真正有幫助的,不只是你想要做些什麼,更不是哪些事情你開心。 譬如你應該對待你自己如你愛的孩子,你就會要你自己去刷牙刷乾淨,雖然喜歡吃甜食,但你不會一直給你小孩吃零食。 譬如,我有時候會懶得去健身房,但我知道去健身房對我是有益的,故我還是去。有時候我懶得讀英文書,但我知道長期的閱讀英文書籍,會讓自己英語能力更進步,是必須的,我不能只被短暫的歡愉所誘惑。
To treat yourself as if you were someone you are responsible for helping, you need to consider what is truly good for you, it is not “what you want”, also not “what makes you happy”, for example you can treat yourself like your own child, you might need to push him to brush his teeth, although he like to eat candy, you cannot give him sweets all the time. For me, I sometimes feel too lazy to go to the gym, but I know it’s really good for my health, so I go. Sometimes I am too tired to read book a book in English, but I know I need to keep improving my reading and writing skills. It’s necessary and good for me, so I do it. I should think about what is good for me in the long term, and not just enjoy short-term pleasure.